How to fulfill Orders Pushed by Destination Store


Last Update il y a 2 mois

➡️ Go to the ‘Orders’ tab from the Source Store of the Syncerize App.

➡️ All the orders forwarded (placed at the connected destination store) to you for fulfillment for synced products will be visible on this screen under different categories.

➡️ Click on the order with the ‘Unfulfilled’ category you aim to fulfill and the order details screen will load up.

➡️ Here you can view the order, customer details, and add payment details.

➡️ You can also see the ‘Payment Status’ of this order as ‘Pending’ and the fulfillment status of this order as ‘Unfulfilled’ at the top.

Fulfill an Order Pushed by Destination Store

➡️ Go to the Shopify ‘Orders’ tab.

➡️ All the orders forwarded (placed at the connected destination store) to you for fulfillment for synced products will be listed here. Select the order you want to fulfill and open it.

➡️ Select the ‘Fulfill Item’ button. A new screen will open where you can add tracking information(optional).  

➡️ And your order fulfillment status will be updated as ‘fulfilled’ in your Shopify  ‘Orders’ tab.

➡️ The same status would be reflected in the Syncerize App ‘Orders’ tab.

If you want to learn about Order Management for Destination Stores, Click the link below!

Order Management Guidelines for Destination Store

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