Store Types in Syncerize
Last Update één maand geleden
It works in two stores: Source store (primary store to manage the main inventory & orders) and Destination store (an additional Shopify store connected to the source store). You can find all your store information based on your store type in the top-right corner of your store's dashboard.
Source Store
- A parent store that holds the master inventory. Destination Stores connected to a Source Store receive inventory updates whenever the Source Store’s inventory changes.
- Source updates occur when the source manually changes the inventory or an order is placed on any product.
- The Source is the main store with the privilege to fulfill orders, so its effect can be seen in the destination store’s orders.

Destination Store
- A child store that is connected to a source store.
- Destination stores can import products from source stores and customize their syncing options.
- Additionally, paid orders in Destination Stores update inventory in Source Stores. However, manual changes in Destination Stores require prompt updates to the Source Store's inventory.